Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year folk!
Hello folk, I thought with Christmas fast approaching, this would be a good time to get another ‘Letters from Canada’ sent out and with it pass on our seasons greetings.
As you may well imagine, life has not been standing still in the Blackwell household – chance would be a fine thing. We got our first snow a couple of weeks ago & since then another couple of ‘skiffs’ have blown through. For those not hailing from this part of the world, a ‘skiff’ is a wee snow shower, producing a couple inches of snow – in Northern Virginia, that would constitute a blizzard & all schools would be shut! So really, we haven’t had any proper snow as yet. What we have had the ‘girls’ have loved – exchanging the sticky Virginia heat, for crisp fresh Alberta air was the best thing that ever happened to them. They love the snow. As a result of their tear arsing about our tiny back yard, they have just about trashed it! The only saving grace at the moment is that the destruction is hidden by snow! Come spring, we have some SERIOUS gardening to do. Unfortunately when a 125lb Newfie tears round the garden chased by her little sister – a mere 98lb – not a lot gets in their way! For all that, I love to see them ‘burrowing’ in the snow & when you shout them they lift up their heads with a snow beard on pitch black faces – very funny.
The season & the snow bring with it another excuse to part with money & buy new cloths. Unfortunately Wendy’s office block is situated downtown, amongst some very nice, very expensive shops. All inside, all lovely & warm regardless of what is happening outside! Returning from work one evening, I’m told about this lovely little fur trimmed leather jacket – which is an absolute bargain…….. Don’t you just hate those words! I got suckered into viewing said jacket one evening, when I drove Dave & Dawn into Edmonton one evening to meet Wendy for dinner, shortly after their arrival here for a visit. The time for which had been cleverly booked to allow for some shopping! Of course we ended up at the leather shop & I had to see the jacket modeled. It did look very nice on Wendy, but I doubted the practicality of a jacked that finished just above your bum, to be worn in sub zero temperatures! Hey, what do I know! I weakened & asked if she would like it for Christmas……….. The assistant intervened & offered a special invitation to a sales event in a couple of weeks, where the jacket would be even further reduced – WHAT a bargain……… So, with my wallet safely locked away, we headed for dinner.
The Sunday of the special ‘sales event’ came round & we headed into town. We used Wendy’s parking permit & parked up right in the middle of town adjacent to the mall where the leather shop was located. We made our way inside & were met with ‘mayhem’!!!!!!!! On just about every flat surface on the mall floors & walkways were sat kids with Mum’s & Dad’s – dozens & dozens of them. We had planned to be in town ahead of the store opening to have some breakfast, shop for the jacket & then drive out to look at some houses. As we made our way over a walkway joining two buildings, there seemed no end to the assembled masses of kids & parents. I had to ask what was going on – a Santa Parade!!!!!!! Of course! So Tim Horton’s it was – if you haven’t discovered ‘Timmy H’, ask a friendly Canuck for an explanation. Coffee finished we headed back to the store, only to be ‘headed off at the pass’ by Santa & his posse. I’m sure he didn’t realize he was putting himself between a girl & a bargain leather jacket, because he didn’t pause with the ho ho ho’s!
We waited until he had passed on into the mall & we were off. Following close behind, tossing out the odd ‘ho ho ho’ to kids as we passed. It soon became apparent why there were so many kids of all ages there, the Elves were dishing out candy like it was going out of fashion & these kids were all on sugar highs!! We nipped round one corner, through a line of Mums, Dad’s & kids only to be headed off once more by the old guy with limited vocabulary – ho ho ho! By now our Wend was getting impatient & the old ‘dude’ was really pushing his luck. Then just as we got moving again, the security Nazis brought us to a shuddering halt – we had to wait until Santa had cleared the pedway (bridge over to the next part of the mall). We were told 5 minutes…………., about 15 minutes later, we received the all clear & were off once more. Over the pedway, round the corner & there was the leather shop – shut! Not only shut, but Mum’s, Dad’s & kids sat on the floor in front of the shop doors. Eventually they all cleared away & we waited for the store to open – the invite had said 10am. Unable to take the tension any longer, Wendy knocked on the doors attracting the attention of the staff. An exchange of shrugging shoulders & pointing at watches followed before discovering that the store did not in fact open until 12am – it was now a little after 10am!!!!!!!!! Long short, not a happy camper, no jacket and off we went house hunting!!!!!
As I mentioned before, we haven’t wasted time in house hunting – when I say we I do of course mean my ‘doll’…………. The place we are renting is ok, but it isn’t ‘home’. We had set ourselves a very high target before we moved up here, with regard to a house. We wanted our own land (acreage up here) & a purpose built log home. However, when you get up here & the house in VA doesn’t sell, you get a big dose of reality. The log home would still be ‘do-able’ but over a much longer time frame – approx 18 months, and that is way too long in a rented house and property up here is way more expensive that we first expected back in March this year. Wendy has spent hours scouring the internet for suitable properties & has now refined her search technique to just what we both want. Basically we need space, but that comes at a premium round here. Alberta is still in a boom & property prices have rocketed. However, I think the market has reached its peak point & is now on the decline. Basically our criterion was 2-5 acres & a 3-4 bedroom house under 5 years old.
Wendy found a couple of possible houses & we drove out to the West of Edmonton toward a town called Stoney Plain. Right from the early days of planning the move North, we liked the sound of the name & the town looked just the job. We drove to a small development Wendy had spotted on the internet which had a couple of new houses ready for sale. We drove past one & loved the front view & thought we’d take a wander round the property. As the house wasn’t occupied, we thought the car in the snow covered drive was one of the builders. There were no steps onto the front porch, so we stepped up, looked through the window & tried the door – locked. We were just looking round the front deck when the door opened & a lady asked if she could help! Talk about being caught out! She was there cleaning & we naturally assumed she was one of the cleaners – she was the owner doing a spot of tidying up after the builders! We felt such muppetts, caught out not adhering to my own maxim – don’t assume, check!
It turns out the Mona had built the house to her personal specifications, but due to her family ‘situation’ was selling & building the exact same house nearer her daughter a few miles further toward Edmonton. She was a lovely lady & invited us in to look round. It was a beautiful house, lots of room & fantastic views front & rear. The plot has a fantastic slope to the rear of the house, ideal for tobogganing with grandsons – if they should come to visit some time. Anyway, Mona gave us the run of the place & we had a good wander round. It was lovely, but wasn’t set up quite how we would have built it. The following week we arranged for the realtor dealing with another vacant new house on the same development to meet us to have a look round. We really liked the 2 properties, the plots were wonderful but the houses were a compromise. Quite frankly, who ever designed the main floor on the 2nd house we visited must have been smoking something……….. The ground floor had a dreadful floor plan, but the rest had possibilities. From there Wendy the realtor – now it does get confusing – escorted us to another two homes under construction. We were very impressed by the first, but fell for the second! We arranged to go out again yesterday & look over the house with the builders. It should be a beautiful home when finished & we are now in negotiations with the builders over the price. No we haven’t yet sold/rented our home in VA, no I don’t yet have a job – but why should that stop us, lol. Our view is that it will all come together or it won’t, so lets go along for the ride & see where it takes us. We took loads of photos & I sent out invites to view in Snapfish, if you didn’t get the invite & would like to see them, drop me a line.
It has been an amazingly hectic time for us since we arrived here & I can’t believe how much we have achieved. However, in amongst all the ‘hubbub’ I committed a cardinal sin, & forgot the birthday of my older Grandson! It wasn’t until Wendy turned over the calendar in the hall a couple of days into December that I realized my slip up. I would like to use this opportunity to say in front of all our family & friends who read my family blog – I really am very sorry Deryn! I tried to redeem myself by sending an e-card & later that week I called his Dad, my son Simon via ‘Skype’. Simon & I hadn’t been talking long when Deryn hopped up on Simon’s knee, & I thought we might have a little chat. I did the right thing again & ate suitable portions of humble pie, then I got – ‘my Mum says you are rubbish for forgetting my birthday’………………………. Guess that told me! Best I don’t forget next year!
In the very early days of starting a new life in the US over six years ago, it struck me how different our two languages are – English English & American English! Anyone who doesn’t believe me, go to a store in downtown Fredericksburg – our former home town - & ask for a ‘fanny pack’. Now go to a store in Telford Shropshire – where we lived in the UK prior to our move – and ask for the same thing! My guess, you will get two VERY different reactions. George Bernard Shaw is reputed to have said, “England and America are two countries separated by the same language”. This was beautifully demonstrated in a recent email from our good friend Tom Freeman when advising me to, ‘put my rubbers on when jumping into the snowdrifts’! It took a while to stop chuckling over that one – thanks Tom.
Finally, you will all be pleased to know that I have at long last managed to get the two cars through their Federal Inspections, the Out of Province inspection, and finally registered & tagged! Having pestered, cajoled & almost threatened RIV office in Ottawa, I finally received the correct Federal Inspection forms. I took the first car along & the examiner explained what he would be looking for, but first & foremost did the car have ‘day running lights fitted’……………. No it didn’t & that would have to be rectified before we could continue – this to the estimated ‘tune’ of $300-500 per vehicle! In the end a Ford garage re-mapped the computer in the Mariner, but I had to have a unit installed into the Jeep - that done, the Fed inspection took minutes.
Next it was the turn of the out of Province inspection. Again, the Mariner sailed through the inspection and a mere $175 plus GST for the privilege. The Jeep however, required a new windshield due to a stone chip picked up just after we crossed the border back in October. So inspection/windshield was another $500 plus!!!!!!!! After that another processing fee & registration complete. Both cars have now lost their distinctive Virginia tag plate’s front & rear, to be replaced by red on white Alberta tags at front only. I understand this was a cost saving initiative instigated by the Provincial Government some time ago. I have managed to negotiate a ‘stay of execution’ on the bike inspections until spring. I’ll ride in all weathers, but not in snow! So the bikes have been put in ‘hibernation’ for the winter.
Well folk, that is about it for another ‘Letter from Canada'. Wendy told me this evening that she finishes work on Friday for Christmas, I had no idea it was so close. It is difficult to get into the Christmas spirit having only been in town a few weeks & in a rented house. However, very good friends are taking us under their wings. Elaine & Mike have kindly asked us to spend Chriatmas Eve with them & thie family. While Karin & Dave have very kindly invited us to share their Chritmas Day dinner with us. Otherwise it would have been KFC!!!!!! We even have a party to go to on New Years Eve – can’t be bad can it.
I never did get used to the ‘politically correct’ woosy ‘Happy Holiday’ greeting whilst in the US. I don’t know why we all have to ‘tippy toe’ about for the sake of some sad individuals with an inferiority complex. We Christians are celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ – it’s Christmas, get over it! One of these days I really must get off the fence & say what I feel! Anyway - may I take this opportunity on behalf of Wendy I, to wish you all regardless of race, colour, creed, religion etc etc etc, a very very Happy Christmas & a wonderful 2008, and as always, ‘good night & may your God go with you’.
Hello folk, I thought with Christmas fast approaching, this would be a good time to get another ‘Letters from Canada’ sent out and with it pass on our seasons greetings.
As you may well imagine, life has not been standing still in the Blackwell household – chance would be a fine thing. We got our first snow a couple of weeks ago & since then another couple of ‘skiffs’ have blown through. For those not hailing from this part of the world, a ‘skiff’ is a wee snow shower, producing a couple inches of snow – in Northern Virginia, that would constitute a blizzard & all schools would be shut! So really, we haven’t had any proper snow as yet. What we have had the ‘girls’ have loved – exchanging the sticky Virginia heat, for crisp fresh Alberta air was the best thing that ever happened to them. They love the snow. As a result of their tear arsing about our tiny back yard, they have just about trashed it! The only saving grace at the moment is that the destruction is hidden by snow! Come spring, we have some SERIOUS gardening to do. Unfortunately when a 125lb Newfie tears round the garden chased by her little sister – a mere 98lb – not a lot gets in their way! For all that, I love to see them ‘burrowing’ in the snow & when you shout them they lift up their heads with a snow beard on pitch black faces – very funny.
The season & the snow bring with it another excuse to part with money & buy new cloths. Unfortunately Wendy’s office block is situated downtown, amongst some very nice, very expensive shops. All inside, all lovely & warm regardless of what is happening outside! Returning from work one evening, I’m told about this lovely little fur trimmed leather jacket – which is an absolute bargain…….. Don’t you just hate those words! I got suckered into viewing said jacket one evening, when I drove Dave & Dawn into Edmonton one evening to meet Wendy for dinner, shortly after their arrival here for a visit. The time for which had been cleverly booked to allow for some shopping! Of course we ended up at the leather shop & I had to see the jacket modeled. It did look very nice on Wendy, but I doubted the practicality of a jacked that finished just above your bum, to be worn in sub zero temperatures! Hey, what do I know! I weakened & asked if she would like it for Christmas……….. The assistant intervened & offered a special invitation to a sales event in a couple of weeks, where the jacket would be even further reduced – WHAT a bargain……… So, with my wallet safely locked away, we headed for dinner.
The Sunday of the special ‘sales event’ came round & we headed into town. We used Wendy’s parking permit & parked up right in the middle of town adjacent to the mall where the leather shop was located. We made our way inside & were met with ‘mayhem’!!!!!!!! On just about every flat surface on the mall floors & walkways were sat kids with Mum’s & Dad’s – dozens & dozens of them. We had planned to be in town ahead of the store opening to have some breakfast, shop for the jacket & then drive out to look at some houses. As we made our way over a walkway joining two buildings, there seemed no end to the assembled masses of kids & parents. I had to ask what was going on – a Santa Parade!!!!!!! Of course! So Tim Horton’s it was – if you haven’t discovered ‘Timmy H’, ask a friendly Canuck for an explanation. Coffee finished we headed back to the store, only to be ‘headed off at the pass’ by Santa & his posse. I’m sure he didn’t realize he was putting himself between a girl & a bargain leather jacket, because he didn’t pause with the ho ho ho’s!
We waited until he had passed on into the mall & we were off. Following close behind, tossing out the odd ‘ho ho ho’ to kids as we passed. It soon became apparent why there were so many kids of all ages there, the Elves were dishing out candy like it was going out of fashion & these kids were all on sugar highs!! We nipped round one corner, through a line of Mums, Dad’s & kids only to be headed off once more by the old guy with limited vocabulary – ho ho ho! By now our Wend was getting impatient & the old ‘dude’ was really pushing his luck. Then just as we got moving again, the security Nazis brought us to a shuddering halt – we had to wait until Santa had cleared the pedway (bridge over to the next part of the mall). We were told 5 minutes…………., about 15 minutes later, we received the all clear & were off once more. Over the pedway, round the corner & there was the leather shop – shut! Not only shut, but Mum’s, Dad’s & kids sat on the floor in front of the shop doors. Eventually they all cleared away & we waited for the store to open – the invite had said 10am. Unable to take the tension any longer, Wendy knocked on the doors attracting the attention of the staff. An exchange of shrugging shoulders & pointing at watches followed before discovering that the store did not in fact open until 12am – it was now a little after 10am!!!!!!!!! Long short, not a happy camper, no jacket and off we went house hunting!!!!!
As I mentioned before, we haven’t wasted time in house hunting – when I say we I do of course mean my ‘doll’…………. The place we are renting is ok, but it isn’t ‘home’. We had set ourselves a very high target before we moved up here, with regard to a house. We wanted our own land (acreage up here) & a purpose built log home. However, when you get up here & the house in VA doesn’t sell, you get a big dose of reality. The log home would still be ‘do-able’ but over a much longer time frame – approx 18 months, and that is way too long in a rented house and property up here is way more expensive that we first expected back in March this year. Wendy has spent hours scouring the internet for suitable properties & has now refined her search technique to just what we both want. Basically we need space, but that comes at a premium round here. Alberta is still in a boom & property prices have rocketed. However, I think the market has reached its peak point & is now on the decline. Basically our criterion was 2-5 acres & a 3-4 bedroom house under 5 years old.
Wendy found a couple of possible houses & we drove out to the West of Edmonton toward a town called Stoney Plain. Right from the early days of planning the move North, we liked the sound of the name & the town looked just the job. We drove to a small development Wendy had spotted on the internet which had a couple of new houses ready for sale. We drove past one & loved the front view & thought we’d take a wander round the property. As the house wasn’t occupied, we thought the car in the snow covered drive was one of the builders. There were no steps onto the front porch, so we stepped up, looked through the window & tried the door – locked. We were just looking round the front deck when the door opened & a lady asked if she could help! Talk about being caught out! She was there cleaning & we naturally assumed she was one of the cleaners – she was the owner doing a spot of tidying up after the builders! We felt such muppetts, caught out not adhering to my own maxim – don’t assume, check!
It turns out the Mona had built the house to her personal specifications, but due to her family ‘situation’ was selling & building the exact same house nearer her daughter a few miles further toward Edmonton. She was a lovely lady & invited us in to look round. It was a beautiful house, lots of room & fantastic views front & rear. The plot has a fantastic slope to the rear of the house, ideal for tobogganing with grandsons – if they should come to visit some time. Anyway, Mona gave us the run of the place & we had a good wander round. It was lovely, but wasn’t set up quite how we would have built it. The following week we arranged for the realtor dealing with another vacant new house on the same development to meet us to have a look round. We really liked the 2 properties, the plots were wonderful but the houses were a compromise. Quite frankly, who ever designed the main floor on the 2nd house we visited must have been smoking something……….. The ground floor had a dreadful floor plan, but the rest had possibilities. From there Wendy the realtor – now it does get confusing – escorted us to another two homes under construction. We were very impressed by the first, but fell for the second! We arranged to go out again yesterday & look over the house with the builders. It should be a beautiful home when finished & we are now in negotiations with the builders over the price. No we haven’t yet sold/rented our home in VA, no I don’t yet have a job – but why should that stop us, lol. Our view is that it will all come together or it won’t, so lets go along for the ride & see where it takes us. We took loads of photos & I sent out invites to view in Snapfish, if you didn’t get the invite & would like to see them, drop me a line.
It has been an amazingly hectic time for us since we arrived here & I can’t believe how much we have achieved. However, in amongst all the ‘hubbub’ I committed a cardinal sin, & forgot the birthday of my older Grandson! It wasn’t until Wendy turned over the calendar in the hall a couple of days into December that I realized my slip up. I would like to use this opportunity to say in front of all our family & friends who read my family blog – I really am very sorry Deryn! I tried to redeem myself by sending an e-card & later that week I called his Dad, my son Simon via ‘Skype’. Simon & I hadn’t been talking long when Deryn hopped up on Simon’s knee, & I thought we might have a little chat. I did the right thing again & ate suitable portions of humble pie, then I got – ‘my Mum says you are rubbish for forgetting my birthday’………………………. Guess that told me! Best I don’t forget next year!
In the very early days of starting a new life in the US over six years ago, it struck me how different our two languages are – English English & American English! Anyone who doesn’t believe me, go to a store in downtown Fredericksburg – our former home town - & ask for a ‘fanny pack’. Now go to a store in Telford Shropshire – where we lived in the UK prior to our move – and ask for the same thing! My guess, you will get two VERY different reactions. George Bernard Shaw is reputed to have said, “England and America are two countries separated by the same language”. This was beautifully demonstrated in a recent email from our good friend Tom Freeman when advising me to, ‘put my rubbers on when jumping into the snowdrifts’! It took a while to stop chuckling over that one – thanks Tom.
Finally, you will all be pleased to know that I have at long last managed to get the two cars through their Federal Inspections, the Out of Province inspection, and finally registered & tagged! Having pestered, cajoled & almost threatened RIV office in Ottawa, I finally received the correct Federal Inspection forms. I took the first car along & the examiner explained what he would be looking for, but first & foremost did the car have ‘day running lights fitted’……………. No it didn’t & that would have to be rectified before we could continue – this to the estimated ‘tune’ of $300-500 per vehicle! In the end a Ford garage re-mapped the computer in the Mariner, but I had to have a unit installed into the Jeep - that done, the Fed inspection took minutes.
Next it was the turn of the out of Province inspection. Again, the Mariner sailed through the inspection and a mere $175 plus GST for the privilege. The Jeep however, required a new windshield due to a stone chip picked up just after we crossed the border back in October. So inspection/windshield was another $500 plus!!!!!!!! After that another processing fee & registration complete. Both cars have now lost their distinctive Virginia tag plate’s front & rear, to be replaced by red on white Alberta tags at front only. I understand this was a cost saving initiative instigated by the Provincial Government some time ago. I have managed to negotiate a ‘stay of execution’ on the bike inspections until spring. I’ll ride in all weathers, but not in snow! So the bikes have been put in ‘hibernation’ for the winter.
Well folk, that is about it for another ‘Letter from Canada'. Wendy told me this evening that she finishes work on Friday for Christmas, I had no idea it was so close. It is difficult to get into the Christmas spirit having only been in town a few weeks & in a rented house. However, very good friends are taking us under their wings. Elaine & Mike have kindly asked us to spend Chriatmas Eve with them & thie family. While Karin & Dave have very kindly invited us to share their Chritmas Day dinner with us. Otherwise it would have been KFC!!!!!! We even have a party to go to on New Years Eve – can’t be bad can it.
I never did get used to the ‘politically correct’ woosy ‘Happy Holiday’ greeting whilst in the US. I don’t know why we all have to ‘tippy toe’ about for the sake of some sad individuals with an inferiority complex. We Christians are celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ – it’s Christmas, get over it! One of these days I really must get off the fence & say what I feel! Anyway - may I take this opportunity on behalf of Wendy I, to wish you all regardless of race, colour, creed, religion etc etc etc, a very very Happy Christmas & a wonderful 2008, and as always, ‘good night & may your God go with you’.